Hidalgo del parral chihuahua mexico
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Hidalgo del Parral is a city located in the south of the state of Chihuahua. For anyone who hears that Parral is the capital of the world, it might seem exaggerated, but for the people of Parral itself is a characteristic of its personality; a reality was the fact that this town was the capital of the Nueva Vizcaya. Its foundation dates back to 1631 with the discovery of a rich vein of silver. In colonial times Parral had an enormous development as a mining, agricultural and livestock center".
Its foundation is due to the fact that the royal lieutenant Don Juan Rangel de Biezma found silver in the hill of La Prieta, the silver sprouted as if it were a spring in the mine that was built there, it took the name of La Negrita, since when he found this silver deposit; also Juan Rangel, found a very beautiful young brown Indian girl with whom he fell in love and in honor of her he baptized the hill and the mine. This city was named "Capital of the World of Silver" by the European monarch Felipe IV and is currently called this way. Currently (2007) it is one of the average cities of the state of Chihuahua. its development has been stopped by the lack of drinking water and by the terrible road infrastructure of the city.
Hidalgo del parral chihuahua mexico 2022
Ciudad en Chihuahua, MéxicoParral, ChihuahuaCiudadHidalgo del ParralLa Plaza Guillermo Baca en el centro de Parral, mostrando la Fuente Buscadora de Sueños y la Catedral Santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, sede de la Diócesis de Parral.
Hidalgo del Parral es una ciudad y cabecera del municipio de Hidalgo del Parral, en el estado mexicano de Chihuahua. Se localiza al sur del estado, a 220 kilómetros de la capital del estado, la ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua. En 2015, la ciudad de Hidalgo del Parral tenía una población de 109,510 habitantes,[1] mientras que la zona metropolitana tenía una población de 129,688 habitantes.[1] La ciudad fue fundada como San José del Parral. El nombre fue cambiado después de la independencia de España, en honor a Fray Miguel Hidalgo, considerado el "Padre de la Patria".
Según la leyenda, Juan Rangel de Biezma llegó aquí en 1629, recogió una roca en el "Cerro la Prieta", la lamió y proclamó: "Aquí hay un yacimiento mineral". Este yacimiento produjo plata durante 340 años[2].
Hidalgo del parral chihuahua mexico del momento
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Más de 360.000 páginas de documentos manuscritos del Archivo Municipal de Parral, Chihuahua, México, que documentan la historia de una comunidad minera de plata colonial de la frontera española en el distrito de Parral, en el norte de México.
La colección comienza con los primeros documentos existentes, en 1631, y continúa hasta el final del periodo colonial español en 1821. Los documentos están organizados por años, cada uno de ellos subdividido en categorías temáticas relativas a asuntos civiles y militares, derechos sobre tierras y minerales, procedimientos judiciales y asuntos varios. Proporciona material de fuentes primarias sobre levantamientos indígenas, esclavitud, espectáculos públicos, residencias oficiales, delitos y castigos.
What is in chihuahua, mexico
It belongs to the eastern slope. The Parral River rises in the Sierra del Astillero and flows northwest through the municipalities of Allende and Camargo, where it joins the Florido River. The Parral River is a waterway that has no water most of the time; its waters cannot be used for agriculture.
The predominant land use is livestock, agriculture and mining. Land tenure is predominantly private property with 155,034 hectares, equivalent to 73.64%. The ejido regime is constituted with 5,517 hectares representing 2.63%; urban uses correspond to 2,825 hectares representing 1.35% of the total land.
The first Olympic gold medal for Mexico was won by a distinguished Parralense in London, 1948. It was won by Captain Humberto Mariles Cortés riding the horse 'Arete', in the school team. Mariles Cortés is also an institution in the sport with a multitude of awards won in Mexico and abroad.
Judo in Parral has produced Olympic level competitors, among them Vanessa Zambotti, winner of the gold medal in the XIX Central American and Caribbean Games and silver medal in the 2008 Judo World Cup, is recognized as a seedbed at Pan-American level, thanks to Sensei Andres Martinez in charge of the Judokan Parral.