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Dogs that look like chihuahuas

Anandi Bliss

The position of the changing and current society has been a primary factor for the foundation of this thought in the world. Needless to say, it should not only be seen from a philosophical point of view, but also from a historical point of view and how these species, which have given so much to mankind, came about.

At a scientific level, it is presumed that the mixture is a result of the crossbreeding with the gray wolf respectively. It is probable that a wolf pup was found, which was domesticated and lived among the human beings of that era. It was really beneficial for then, since they were used for hunting purposes due to the instincts they brought within their genetic load.

By then, man's thinking was directed to contact only with those who showed fidelity and trust. This being an important factor for the selection of the same, based on their physical characteristics that later became a fundamental part for the birth of new breeds in the world. Their abilities provided the model of dog that was desired and based on that, the mixing and creation of new species began.

¡Las Junior Tienen Nueva Mascota! - Princesas de Disney

En cada encuentro casual con mis vecinos de La Guindalera, en Madrid, me convierto en parte y testigo del vínculo que los dueños establecen con sus perros. Al profundizar en las historias de otras personas, me doy cuenta de que, en estos momentos, muchos humanos estamos recurriendo a los perros en lugar de a los niños. Decidimos compartir nuestra soledad con una mascota y, cuando nuestra vida se acerca a su fin, los perros se convierten en el motor que la prolonga.

¿A qué se debe el vecino que, como yo, dedica tiempo a cada rutina diaria del perro? ¿Por qué un pitbull y no un chihuahua? ¿Cómo elegimos un perro, o el perro nos eligió a nosotros? Detrás de estas reflexiones superficiales, que ayudan a romper el hielo, imagino la presencia de un vínculo profundo.

En este proyecto, imágenes y palabras se equilibran mutuamente. Los retratos hablan del vínculo, y los bodegones que los sustentan están cargados de historias y símbolos personales, objetos que podrían guardarse en una caja, resistiendo el paso del tiempo. Siempre me ha gustado coleccionar las huellas que dejan los seres humanos, prueba de cada paso, del camino que recorremos. En este proyecto he capturado muchas historias, siendo consciente de que hay muchas más que fotografiar y sobre las que escribir. En mi búsqueda privada, guardo las palabras escritas confiadas por mis vecinos, grabadas en conversaciones en el parque,

5 chihuahuas puppies! (4 days old)

The fossil record of ancient vertebrates is composed of scattered fragments from which it is often impossible to obtain genetic material. Researchers therefore resort to morphological analyses, but it is difficult to estimate variations between individuals of the same and different species and relationships between specimens as a function of time and location. There is debate about some observations, and hypotheses supported by some authors are contested by others.[10] Tedford disagreed with these authors.

Tedford disagreed with these authors because of the absence of some features in the cranio-dental morphology of C. lepophagus shared by C. lupus and C. latrans, so in his opinion there was no close relationship to these two species, although he suggested that it was the ancestor of both wolves and coyotes.[21]: p119

Kurten was unsure whether C. priscolatrans was derived from C. lepophagus and C. arnensis,[19] but believed it was an ancestor of C. latrans. In his opinion, C. arnensis from Europe showed conspicuous similarities to C. priscolatrans, and both species could represent what was once a Holarctic population of coyotes.[18]: p27 Nowak disagreed with this interpretation and believed that C. priscolatrans was related to the European C. European[15] Kurten later proposed that both C. priscolatrans and C. etruscus were part of a group that gave rise to C. lupus but was unsure whether they had evolved separately from C. lepophagus or from a descendant of C. lepophagus.[19] Kurten also proposed that C. priscolatrans and C. etruscus were part of a group that gave rise to C. lupus but was unsure whether they had evolved separately from C. lepophagus or from a descendant of C. lepophagus.

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