Dog breeds similar to chihuahua
List of dog breeds wikipedia
To make sense of complexity, humans often have to classify, or group things. We have food groups, sexes, eye color, ages, and movie genres, to name a few. This makes it easier for us to talk about the things we encounter. But sometimes, how a group of things should be divided gets a little confusing.
The same can happen when talking about the natural environment. The natural world is more varied than we can imagine, and separating similar groups can help us better define what we see. This makes it a little easier to try to understand the world around us and look for important patterns.
We can divide our environment in many ways - by how much water there is, how hot it is, or by the types of plants or animals we find there. Depending on the characters we choose to describe an environment, the groups we end up selecting may be different.
Dog breed mixes
The Poodle dog breed is not the strongest or most aggressive on the planet, nor is it the one with the strongest bite or the most suitable as a watchdog, but it is nevertheless the most intelligent in the world.
After a large worldwide study, many conclusions have been reached about the rest of the breeds analyzed. It has been concluded that there are several breeds of dogs that stand out for their intelligence over the rest.
Being a herding breed adapted to adverse climates and situations, the German Shepherd has developed such a high level of intelligence that it almost takes first place in the list of the smartest dogs.
It has an excellent ability to learn quickly and to reason, something that many other breeds are incapable of doing. Perhaps it is thanks to its excellent sense of hearing or it is simply a very attentive dog, but it is able to detect problems and possible dangers extraordinarily quickly.
Curiously, shepherd dogs in general have developed superior abilities than other dogs, always talking about intelligence of course. In addition to its facility to learn even in the hands of inexperienced handlers, the Collie has demonstrated to have a great intelligence and reasoning capacity.
Dog crossbreeding
Thus, one group of breeds seemed to show a stronger genetic relationship to wolves. The shiba inu also belongs to this group and because of its genetic closeness to the wolf, it ranks second along with the Shar Pei. The following figure shows the study of the 9 races of the "wolf" group, in the form of a tree showing their proximity to wolves. All other breeds outside this group have only a vague genetic relationship to the wolf.
More or less all modern dogs are the genetic material of their wolf ancestors. In the case of South Korean dogs (Jindo, Sapsaree, Chejudo) that are closely related to breeds from Japan, researchers assume the influence of at least two wolf populations in East Asia. So it is quite natural to wonder if the Japanese wolf has not sent its "wolf" part in Japanese dogs.
As far as the shiba is concerned, its origins come from two different paths, so it is not a primitive dog, but a "doubly primitive" dog. Because of these origins, the shiba is closely related to the rest of the Japanese dogs (hence the relative similarity between them), as well as a strong link with the Korean dogs. Although the FCI does not classify it as a "Primitive Dog", the word "primitive" characterizes these dogs quite well.
Cruce de perros de raza
Consejos de medición: Recomendamos medir a su mascota en su posición natural de dormir para encontrar el tamaño de cama perfecto. Añada 4-6" para gatos y perros pequeños, o 8-12" para perros medianos y grandes. En caso de duda, aumente la talla: ¡a nadie le gusta caerse de la cama!
No existen tallas de collar estándar. Por ello, le recomendamos encarecidamente que mida el cuello de su perro para asegurarse de que tiene la talla de collar adecuada: Mida el cuello de su cachorro con una cinta métrica suave, tirando de la cinta para que quede ajustada pero no apretada (si no tiene una cinta métrica, utilice un trozo de cuerda y luego mida la cuerda con una regla). Deje espacio suficiente para deslizar dos dedos entre el collar y el cuello de su cachorro.
Para garantizar un ajuste perfecto, mida alrededor del cuello de su perro y consulte la tabla de tallas de bandanas que aparece a continuación. Consejos de medición: Mida el cuello de su cachorro con una cinta métrica suave, tirando de la cinta ajustada pero no apretada (si no tiene una cinta métrica, utilice un trozo de cuerda y luego mida la cuerda con una regla). Deje espacio suficiente para deslizar dos dedos entre la bandana y el cuello de su cachorro.